Rabbi G. Goldstein
 ( rabbigg@gmail.com )



The Mount Zion Foundation

The Mount Zion Foundation was initially founded in Jerusalem, Israel in 1949 by the Director General of the ministry of Religious Affairs Dr. S. Z. Kahane. The foundation was formed in order to help maintain the overall physical and cultural values, the dignity and glory of Holy Mount Zion. Dr. Kahane suggested in 1971 to Rabbi Gerald Goldstein to register a similar (501-C-3) not for profit organization in the U.S. for the same explicit purpose. This was finally accomplished in 1985 ( Fla. corp. # 12756).
Dr. Kahane recognized it would take a major fund raising effort to bring to fruition his life long dream of a major World Torah Institution on the lofty heights of Mount Zion.
The U.S. foundation has helped underwrite various projects and programs of its Israeli counterpart which are located on Mt. Zion.
1. The Diaspora Yeshiva.
2. The Chamber of the Holocaust, founded together with the state of Israel.
3. The World Peace Center
4. Educational Projects and Programs

5. In Search of Mt. Zion - A film in the making click here for detail


Coordinator    Rabbi Gedalya Goldstein

P.O. Box 5102 Ashkelon, Israel 78150

 IL Phone:  077-718-1836    American Phone is Israel: 516-422-9999     rabbigg@gmail.com