
In order to help facilitate, promote, and maintain the growth of our institutions on Mount Zion, and to protect and guarantee the Historical Jewish Ownership of this Holy place, bringing back the dignity and glory of King David, it is necessary to part from these one of a kind artifacts


This priceless one of a kind tapestry extends the Blessing of “LIFE.”
(This tapestry measuring seven and a half ft. by fifteen ft. could be used as the worlds most exclusive “Chuppa” wedding canopy)


This precious, priceless and legendry “Tzeddakah” box is one of a kind. It is often referred to as being “Magical” and “Mystical”. This unique and history laden box extends the Blessing of “Hatzlacha” “Financial Success” in all your worthy undertakings and endeavors.

Remains of King's David's Tomb 200 year old Charity box.
Measurements:     Width 18"     Height 29"    Front 24"


During the 19th century under the control of the Islamic WAQF, Jews were allowed to enter the tomb complex only after making a payment.  This heavy and legendary charity box of two centuries was affixed and bolted to the left of the entrance to King David’s Tomb. As it aged, metal straps must have been affixed to strengthen its structure. After many years in place the bottom started to rot and eventually gave way. In the late 1960’s when it was no longer functional, it was removed and placed above the well in the court yard adjacent to the back door entrance to the Sephardic Synagogue and King David's tomb. This same court yard  is the base of the steps that lead up to the room of the Last Supper. In addition, the room of the Bar T'nura aprox. 550 years ago and some of the Diaspora Yeshiva's class rooms as well as the Mount Zion Succa all are part of this court yard complex. There it was used as an ornament until it was discarded and placed in the King David Museum in the early 1970’s.

(Please note: the wood and construction of the 19th century door is the same as the inside of the charity box). The niche at the entrance to King David's tomb where the 200 year old charity box was affixed.


The familiar and simple charity box used in the tomb that most people remember.


Some quick Historical dates.


King David , one of the Most revered figures in Biblical History,
       King David, as in the Star of David, David and Goliath, author of the Psalms,
               David and Bathsheba, son of Jesse, father of King Solomon
                        King David, the first King of the Jews

     King David, King of Judah and Israel ...............................1011-971 BCE.
        Jerusalem conquered by King David.............................1000  BCE.
     First Temple completed by King Solomon................................957 BCE.
         Ark of the Covenant.....................................................955 BCE.
     King Manasseh removes treasures from Solomon's Temple.......650 BCE.          
         Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invades Jerusalem...............604 BCE.
      Destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians .........................586 BCE
         Rebuilding of the second Temple .................................520 BCE
      Yehudah the Maccabee conquers Jerusalem..........................164 BCE. 
         Greek King Hashmonas conquers Jerusalem................133 BCE.
      Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans ..................................70 CE.

Jerusalem has 7 Gates.
The Principle Entrance is Jaffa Gate.
Messiah will enter Jerusalem through the Golden Gate.
Zion's Gate is named after Mt. Zion because one passes through David's Tomb.
The road running off Damascus gate, leads to Shechem (Nablus), and then to Damascus.

Mount Zion was included in ancient times within the walls of Jerusalem. 

Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela visits Jerusalem in 1173 CE. He records how King David's tomb was revealed.

The ground (north) of this complex was presented to the German Emperor by the Turkish Sultan.
The Dormition Monastery was built in 1906, on this property.

Within this complex is the Tomb of King David, and other sites.


Click the picture to enlarge


Mount Zion Tomb - complex Base stone 167 BCE
          Hashmonean period base stones

**The only ancient remains of this site is this corner.  This corner is the outer wall of the only room that had its own private well.  This well has running water all year long.

 Please visit King David's Tomb on Mt. Zion and see these exciting ancient Historical and Biblical  artifacts:

  Ancient well cover
2100 + years old

Inside the well

22'' x 24'' x 6'' opening 10''

King David’s “Well of Blessings and Miracles”

The well cover is over 2100 years old.  Much has been said and written about this well on Mount Zion.  All other water sources on mount Zion are cisterns and are in the public domain.

Dr. S. Z. Kahane, former Director General of the Ministry of Religious affairs in Israel for over a quarter of a century was a prolific writer. He translated and published dozens of books. During his many talks about the legends of King David and Holy Mount Zion of which he was the curator, he often made reference to King David’s “Well of Blessings and Miracles”. King David was not concerned about being remembered after death, but like leaders before, his genuine concern was for his people. “When you come to me and request that I intercede on your behalf, I will pray for you”.

For thousands of years people have come to pray at the tomb of Kind David.  This well, used by millions of people who made pilgrimages to his tomb became a symbol of hope that all prayers offered at the tomb would be answered.  Wayfarers and Pilgrims would stop and drink, and legend tells of the tears of supplication which fell into the deep well, mingling with the cool waters that they would drink.  Somehow, the waters of the well seemed to do more than simply refresh and quench thirst.  People noticed that their prayers always seemed to be answered.  It became known that the well itself contained a blessing.  Anyone coming to pray at the tomb of David knew that their prayers would be answered if they first made a blessing and then drink from the well.


Mt. Zion Museum

Iron plated wooden door, late Ottoman period 19th century. The only remaining door from the king David's
building complex.  Guarding the tradition and honor of King David this heavy iron clad wood door protected the King David tomb catacomb entrance. (Underground tunnels leading to the Great Hall of the Kings).

Door Measurements          Width 37"      Length 65"         Thickness 3"

The outer side The inside Close up inside Close up outer side
Crusader 11th century Inscriptions: 

left by the military expedition undertaken to recover the Holy Land. 

Located on a wall in the Mount Zion King David's Tomb Complex


#1                        #2                       #3                       #4


#5                       #6                       #7

Tools used to cultivate Mount Zion before 1948








Bezalel Art School (Left behind when relocated from Mount Zion)



From the Palombo art works Mt Zion


Found on Mount Zion 1948


ancient oil lamps

silver ornament

spice grinder base



Sephardic Torah cases.


Mosaic, Modern

Modern mosaic of Moses

Picture of King David


   *From the upper level of the King David's Tomb complex*


The left and the right outer windows have been replaced

New window


Middle window with the old frame


Old window frame


Top of old window frame

Base of old frame

Close-up of old window frame